The federally funded Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), is voluntary for both landlords and tenants. It helps eligible families of lower income with their monthly rent payments.
How it works:
A family whose household income is fifty percent or less of the area's medium household income (AMI) is qualified to participate in the program from the Longmont Housing Authority. Through a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract, directly monthly payments are made to the landlord/property owner as a portion of the tenant's monthly rent payment. After allowances are made for utilities not included in the rent, the HAP makes up the difference in total amount due.
If thirty percent of a family's gross monthly income is $600.00, and rent (including utilities) for the selected apartment is $1,600.00 per month, the tenant pays the landlord $600.00 and the remaining $1,000.00 is paid to the landlord by the Longmont Housing Authority through the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
The federally funded Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), is voluntary for both landlords and tenants. It helps eligible families of lower income with their monthly rent payments.
How it works:
A family whose household income is fifty percent or less of the area's medium household income (AMI) is qualified to participate in the program from the Longmont Housing Authority. Through a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract, directly monthly payments are made to the landlord/property owner as a portion of the tenant's monthly rent payment. After allowances are made for utilities not included in the rent, the HAP makes up the difference in total amount due.
If thirty percent of a family's gross monthly income is $600.00, and rent (including utilities) for the selected apartment is $1,600.00 per month, the tenant pays the landlord $600.00 and the remaining $1,000.00 is paid to the landlord by the Longmont Housing Authority through the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
The federally funded Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), is voluntary for both landlords and tenants. It helps eligible families of lower income with their monthly rent payments.
How it works:
A family whose household income is fifty percent or less of the area's medium household income (AMI) is qualified to participate in the program from the Longmont Housing Authority. Through a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract, directly monthly payments are made to the landlord/property owner as a portion of the tenant's monthly rent payment. After allowances are made for utilities not included in the rent, the HAP makes up the difference in total amount due.
If thirty percent of a family's gross monthly income is $600.00, and rent (including utilities) for the selected apartment is $1,600.00 per month, the tenant pays the landlord $600.00 and the remaining $1,000.00 is paid to the landlord by the Longmont Housing Authority through the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
The federally funded Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), is voluntary for both landlords and tenants. It helps eligible families of lower income with their monthly rent payments.
How it works:
A family whose household income is fifty percent or less of the area's medium household income (AMI) is qualified to participate in the program from the Longmont Housing Authority. Through a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract, directly monthly payments are made to the landlord/property owner as a portion of the tenant's monthly rent payment. After allowances are made for utilities not included in the rent, the HAP makes up the difference in total amount due.
If thirty percent of a family's gross monthly income is $600.00, and rent (including utilities) for the selected apartment is $1,600.00 per month, the tenant pays the landlord $600.00 and the remaining $1,000.00 is paid to the landlord by the Longmont Housing Authority through the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
Senior Housing Communities, Aspen Meadows Apartments, The Lodge and Hearthstone at Hover Crossing, Fall River Apartments, and Village Place Apartments, are restricted for households in which all members are 62 years of age or older. Spring Creek Apartments are open to households with at least one household member that is 55 years of age or older.
Senior Housing Communities, Aspen Meadows Apartments, The Lodge and Hearthstone at Hover Crossing, Fall River Apartments, and Village Place Apartments, are restricted for households in which all members are 62 years of age or older. Spring Creek Apartments are open to households with at least one household member that is 55 years of age or older.
Senior Housing Communities, Aspen Meadows Apartments, The Lodge and Hearthstone at Hover Crossing, Fall River Apartments, and Village Place Apartments, are restricted for households in which all members are 62 years of age or older. Spring Creek Apartments are open to households with at least one household member that is 55 years of age or older.
Senior Housing Communities, Aspen Meadows Apartments, The Lodge and Hearthstone at Hover Crossing, Fall River Apartments, and Village Place Apartments, are restricted for households in which all members are 62 years of age or older. Spring Creek Apartments are open to households with at least one household member that is 55 years of age or older.
Senior Housing Communities, Aspen Meadows Apartments, The Lodge and Hearthstone at Hover Crossing, Fall River Apartments, and Village Place Apartments, are restricted for households in which all members are 62 years of age or older. Spring Creek Apartments are open to households with at least one household member that is 55 years of age or older.
LHA Glossary
AHF: Affordable Housing Fund
Local funding source designated specifically to support, finance and/or provide affordable housing in Longmont. Funds now solely come from loan repayments. In the past, payments-in-lieu of providing affordable housing by contractors/developers under the now rescinded Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance were regularly deposited to this Fund and Council also provided General Funds in the past.
AHP: Affordable Housing Programs
Name used when talking about the city’s Affordable Housing Programs including Down Payment Assistance. Also included the Community Housing Program and the Inclusionary Zoning ordinance when these programs were in effect.
AMSA: Aspen Meadows Senior Apartments
LHA Portfolio Property located at 70 21st Avenue, Longmont, CO 80501. Providing affordable 1 & 2 bedrooms in a (50) unit apartment building for seniors 62 and older adults. AMSA is a Low Income Housing Tax Credit Property.
AMN: Aspen Meadows Neighborhood
Properties located at 50 21st Avenue, Longmont, CO 80501. Providing condo-style apartments for families with (28) units providing 2, 3 & 4 bedrooms. The property is a Low Income Housing Tax Credit Properties.
CBDO: Community Based Development Organization
CBDOs are an association or corporation organized under state or local law to do community development activities, particularly as part of a designated Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area. For entitlement communities, they must operate within an identified geographic area of operation, such as a neighborhood, within a jurisdiction. They have as their primary purpose to improve the physical, economic or social environment, with particular emphasis on the needs of low and moderate income persons.
CDBG: Community Development Block Grant
Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 replaced eight former categorical grant and loan programs with a system of unified block grants, under which communities of over 50,000 people are entitled to receive funding directly from HUD, while other communities may apply for discretionary funding. Its purpose is to encourage broadly conceived community development projects and expand housing and economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income persons.
CDBG-DR: Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery
HUD provides flexible grants to help cities, counties, and States recover from presidentially declared disasters, especially in low-income areas, subject to availability of supplemental appropriations. In response to presidentially declared disasters, Congress may appropriate additional funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program as Disaster Recovery grants to rebuild the affected areas and provide crucial seed money to start the recovery process. Since CDBG Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) assistance may fund a broad range of recovery activities, HUD can help communities and neighborhoods that otherwise might not recover due to limited resources.
CDC: Community Development Corporation
Non-profit groups accountable to local residents that engage in a wide range of physical, economic and human development activities. CDC’s rebuild their communities through housing, commercial, job development and other activities.
CDFI: Community Development Financial Institution
An array of diverse institutions that lends to low-income and, increasingly, middle-income persons, Native American reservations and community development projects. Included are community development banks, credit unions, loan funds and micro-loan funds.
CDLF: Community Development Loan Fund
A revolving loan fund that borrows money from a variety of sources and lends the money to low-income community development programs and projects.
CHAS: Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy
Required with the CDBG and HOME legislation. This is the housing strategy section of the Consolidated Plan that local governments, with input from citizens and interest groups, put together to look ahead for five years and prioritize housing goals and identify how federal and other resources will be used. HUD monitors progress against goals outlined in the CHAS. It is important that these strategies reflect the need of a low-income community because it sets the housing agenda.
CHDO: Comprehensive Housing Development Organization
A federally defined type of non-profit low- and moderate-income housing provider eligible to receive 15 percent of all federal HOME Investment Partnership funds for housing development and 5 percent of HOME funds for operating costs.
CHFA: Colorado Housing Finance Agency
State agency that issues tax-exempt bonds to provide below-market rate loans for affordable rental housing and to assist income qualified homebuyers.
CHIF: Colorado Housing Investment Fund (a DOH fund)
In February 2012, the state of Colorado together with 48 other states reached a settlement with the five largest mortgage servicing companies. Through this settlement, Attorney General John Suthers announced over $50 million, all custodial funds through the Attorney General’s office, would be used for homeowner relief, foreclosure prevention and affordable housing. The Colorado Housing Investment Fund (CHIF) was created from the Attorney General’s custodial funds with $13.2 million to address Colorado’s need for affordable rental housing.
CHP: Community Housing Program
The name given to the part of the Inclusionary Zoning program (10% set-aside) that was presented to potential homebuyers. It encompassed the homes for-sale under the program, how homebuyers qualified, program requirements including sales prices, appreciation allowed, and all “after purchase” policies and procedures, etc.
CRA: Community Reinvestment Act
A 1977 federal law that requires banks and savings and loan associations to help meet the credit needs of their local communities, including low-income communities.
DOH: Colorado Division of Housing
State agency that administers state housing programs and the HOME and CDBG programs for jurisdictions that do not receive it directly from HUD.
DPA: Down Payment Assistance
A program that the city administers that provides up to $15,000 (8.5% of the qualifying home’s purchase price) for down payment and closing costs to income- eligible first time homebuyers. Homes can be purchased anywhere in Boulder County, outside of the City of Boulder.
Also – BCDPA – Boulder County Down Payment Assistance Program.
FHA: Federal Housing Administration
A division of HUD, which was established under the provisions of the National Housing Act as approved on June 27, 1934. This government agency is the innovator of the long-term, amortized, minimum down-payment home mortgage common in today's market.
FHLB: Federal Home Loan Bank
The Federal Home Loan Bank System was created in 1932 by the Federal Home Loan Bank Act to restore confidence in the nation's financial institutions and to improve the supply of funds to local lenders that, in turn, finance loans for home mortgages. Since 1989, the Federal Home Loan Bank System's public policy mission has been expanded to include Affordable Housing and Community Development lending.
FHLMC: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ("Freddie Mac")
A corporation authorized by Congress, whose primary purpose is to establish a secondary market for conventional home loans. Its money is generated by the sale of participation certificates secured by pools of conventional mortgage loans.
FNMA: Federal National Mortgage Association ("Fannie Mae")
A congressionally chartered corporation (since 1938) that provides a secondary market for FHA, VA and conventional loans
HHC: Hearthstone at Hover Crossing
LHA Portfolio property located at 1762 Cook Court, Longmont, CO 80501. Providing (50) 1 bedroom apartments subsidized housing for low income seniors age 62 and older.
HOME: Home Investment Partnership Program
Operated by HUD, this program is a federal housing block grant program that allows states and local governments the flexibility to fund a wide range of low-income housing activities, including moderate and substantial rehabilitation, new construction, tenant-based rental assistance and other housing-related activities.
HUD: Department of Housing and Urban Development
A federal agency established by the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965, the purpose of which is the implementation and administration of government housing and urban development programs.
IHAD: I Have a Dream
The “I Have a Dream” Foundation of Boulder County is dedicated to helping low-income youth achieve a brighter future through a long-term, comprehensive educational and cultural enrichment program. The program is a year-round program that works with the same group of children from their elementary school years through college. One-hundred percent of the Dreamers either live in low-income public housing projects, or they are eligible for the federal free and reduced lunch program at their school.
IZO: Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance
City ordinance passed in 1995. Applied to all residential developments annexed into city and to those already annexed but didn’t have their preliminary plat approval prior July, 2001. 10% of all housing constructed was required to be affordable to income qualified homebuyers and renters. Ordinance was rescinded in April 2011 into city and to those already annexed but didn’t have their preliminary plat approval prior to
LDDA: Longmont Downtown Development Authority
In 1982, the Longmont City Council and the Longmont electorate created the Longmont Downtown Development Authority (LDDA) with a mandate to revitalize the City’s Downtown commercial core.
LHM: Longmont Housing Management
LHM is a for-profit Colorado corporation of which LHDC is the sole stock holder. LHM, Inc is the General Partner of both Aspen Meadows Associates, LLLP and Village Place Associates, LLLP – both are LIHTC partnerships.
LIHTC: Low Income Housing Tax Credit
Tax incentive created in the Tax Reform Act of 1986 that is designed to attract equity capital for investment in rent restricted affordable housing. The program encourages the production of affordable housing by offering its owners tax credits for a ten year period based on the cost of development and the number of low income units produced.
LISC: Local Initiatives Support Corporation
LISC is a national not-for-profit organization that invests in the revitalization of urban and rural communities, by channeling private resources from corporations, foundations and individuals to local community development corporations (CSCs) which are engaged in the development of affordable housing, vital community facilities and job-creating commercial projects.
LLLP: Limited Liability Limited Partner
The limited liability limited partnership (LLLP) is a relatively new modification of the limited partnership, a form of business entity recognized under U.S. commercial law. An LLLP is a limited partnership and as such consists of one or more general partners and one or more limited partners.
MHCLF: Mile High Community Loan Fund
Mile High Community Loan Fund (MHCLF) is a fourteen year old loan fund that invests in affordable housing and other community assets that create economic opportunity for low-income people and communities in Colorado.
NAHRO: National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
Leading housing and community development advocate for the provision of adequate and affordable housing and strong, viable communities for all Americans—particularly those with low- and moderate-incomes. Our members administer HUD programs such as Public Housing, Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, CDBG and HOME.
NCDA: National Community Development Association
A national organization of CDBG officials and supporters.
NOFA: Notice of Funding Availability
Announcement by public agency that funding is being made available for a program. There is usually information on how to apply and the deadline.
NRSA: Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area
An area specifically designated by a jurisdiction, and approved by HUD, for a comprehensive and holistic strategy designed in partnership with the neighborhood, to
effect a long-term and significant improvement in the area. Performance Measures are determined and must include an economic development component to improve the economic viability of the neighborhood and its residents.
PHA: Public Housing Authority
A public agency created by a state or local government to finance or operate low-income housing. The Longmont Housing Authority (LHA) and Boulder County Housing Authority (BCHA) both own and operate rental housing units in Longmont and both have Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers in Longmont.
RFP: Request for Proposals
An RFP is a request to the general public, or a request directed to those on a list of potential bidders (pre-qualified), for a proposal to provide the specific services outlined in the request. Under most public programs or public sponsorship of projects, public bidding via an RFP is required. Usually for services estimated to be over $25,000 in cost.
RFQ: Request for Quotes
An RFQ is an announcement to solicit quotes from interested parties to provide specific services. Streamlined outreach and expedited time frame for selection for services estimated to be between $5,000 and $25,000 in cost.
SHP: Supportive Housing Program
A federal program, authorized by Title VI of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, that provides financial assistance toward the development and operating cost of transitional housing for the homeless and permanent housing for the homeless and disabled. Grants may only be used to provide long-term housing opportunities.
SRO: Single Room Occupancy
SRO building types contain efficiency-sized units for occupancy by one person.
TRACS: Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System
TRACS is a HUD computer system developed to help improve financial controls over assisted housing programs by automating manual procedures and incorporating automated controls.
URA: Urban Renewal Area
Urban Renewal Areas are defined by the Colorado Urban Renewal Statute and are so designed to assist in the redevelopment of blighted property and help foster sound growth and development. The City of Longmont has two distinct Urban Renewal Areas; the Twin Peaks Mall and the Southeast URA. The Longmont City Council sits as the Urban Renewal Authority.
WNC: Willifred N. Cooper
Investor in Village Place